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Adult Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches that a smaller, weaker person can successfully defend against a bigger, stronger assailant by using leverage and proper technique most notably by applying joint-locks and chokeholds to defeat the other person. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training can be used for sport grappling tournaments (gi and no-gi) and mixed martial arts (MMA) competition or self-defense . Sparring (commonly referred to as 'rolling') and live drilling play a major role in training, and a premium is placed on performance, especially in competition, in relation to progress and ascension through the grades/belts.

Classes at 610 Academy begin with a warm-up routine that utilizes movements relating to and involved in the practice of BJJ.  After the warm-up a specific technique is shown and students are given time to practice and ask questions while the instructor gives his attention to each student individually.  After the technique, the class progresses to position specific drills or open mat sparring time where students can practice with eachother and the instructor to perfect their techniques.

The Adult Jiu Jitsu program is Co-Ed and open for ages 15 and up.

Show up 5-10 min early so as not to be late for class.

Please come prepared with a clean Gi, good hygiene and trimmed finger and toenails.

No Shoes on the mats and no bare feet off the mats. Academy flip flops are recommended for easy access to the bathrooms and changing facilities.

Always bow when entering and exiting the mat area.

"Black Belt on the Mat!" The first person to notice will announce this and all students on the mat will line up to greet the professor. If you enter the mat area after your professor make sure you greet him/her immediately.

Always show respect. No bad language and no bad attitudes on the mat.

Work together with your partner and think as much about his/her success as you do about your own.

Always help newcomers feel welcome by introducing yourself and explaining the Academy's etiquette when necessary.


Kids, Juniors & Teens

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is truly self-defense. The Gentle Art contains NO punches or kicks used to attack an adversary. Rather than physically beating an opponent, a Jiu Jitsu practitioner choses to control and subdue his/her opponent. This is done through leverages and techniques that can only be performed correcty by a calm and conscious mind. An enraged and aggressive adversary soon realizes that power and aggression only entangle you up further. All that energy wasted will allow a calm practitioner to redirect his/her adversarys power against him/her resulting in total submission. This is done through joint locks and chokeholds that force an agressor to tap out (submit).

Our Class will teach your child or young adult the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in a fun and active enviornment that uses discipline and respect to unite our students as a team. Skill oriented excercise builds coordination along with practicing practical and effective self-defense techniques that build confidence and self-awareness. Oh ya... and the best part of it all is... its FUN !


At 610 Jiu Jitsu Academy we consider cleanliness to be our first priority.  The mats, bathrooms, lounge area and changing rooms are cleaned daily.

Our training area is equipped with the highest quality Zebra Mat tatami style Jiu Jitsu mats, and along with a full bathroom and shower we provide a lounge area furnished with a leather couch and seating area for your convenience.

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